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Thompson_etal_2016_MMP_AIMS_Inshore_Coral_Monitoring_REPPORT_2014-2015_WEB.pdf.jpg2016Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore coral reef monitoring 2014-2015Thompson, A.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Logan, M.; Coleman, G.; Gunn, K.; Schaffelke, B.Report
Synthesis Report 2012-13 v2.pdf.jpg2014Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program synthesis report 2012-2013Martin, K.C.; Marshall, C.; Thompson, A.; McKenzie, L.J.; Muller, J.; Bentley, C.; Paxman, C.; Collier, C.; Waycott, M.; Brando, V.; Schaffelke, B.Report
Coral-Report-2018-19.pdf.jpg2021Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore coral reef monitoring 2018–19Thompson, A.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Logan, M.; Coleman, G.; Australian Institute of Marine ScienceReport
MMP-Coral-report-2015-16.pdf.jpg2017Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore coral reef monitoring 2015-2016Thompson, A.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Logan, M.; Coleman, G.; Gunn, K.; Schaffelke, B.Report
MMP_AIMS_Inshore_WQ_Coral_Mon_2013_final_6Aug14.pdf.jpg2013Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program: Inshore water quality and coral reef monitoring. Annual report of AIMS activities 2012-2013Thompson, A.; Schaffelke, B.; Logan, M.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Doyle, J.; Furnas, M.; Gunn, K.; Liddy, M.; Skuza, M.; Uthicke, S.; Wright, M.; Zagorskis, I.Report
Final Report for the Coral Reef Expert Group.pdf.jpg2020Monitoring coral reefs within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program: final report of the coral reef expert groupSchaffelke, B.; Anthony, K.; Babcock, R.; Bridge, T.; Carlos, E.; Diaz-Pulido, G.; Gonzalez-Rivero, M.; Gooch, M.; Hoey, A.; Horne, D.; Kane, K.; McKenzie, C.; Merida, F.; Molloy, F.; Moon, S.; Mumby, P.; Ortiz, J.C.; Pears, R.; Phinn, S.; Ridgway, T.; Roelfsema, C.; Singleton, G.; Thompson, A.; Australian Institute of Marine Science; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
Coral-Report-2019-20-Final.pdf.jpg2021Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore coral reef monitoring: 2019-20Thompson, A.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Logan, M.; Coleman, G.; Australian Institute of Marine ScienceReport
RRMMP_AIMS_2008-09_Final-report.pdf.jpg2009Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program: Final report of AIMS activities 2008/09Schaffelke, B.; Thompson, A.; Carleton, J.; Davidson, J.; Doyle, J.; Furnas, M.; Gunn, K.; Skuza, M.; Wright, M.; Zagorskis, I.; Australian Institute of Marine ScienceReport
MMP-Coral-Report-2017-18.pdf.jpg2019Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore coral reef monitoring 2017-18Thompson, A.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Logan, M.; Coleman, G.; Australian Institute of Marine ScienceReport
MMP_Inshore_Coral_Reef_Monitoring_Report_2010_11.pdf.jpg2011Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program: Final report of AIMS activities 2011 inshore coral reef monitoringThompson, A.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Logan, M.; Schaffelke, B.; Takahashi, M.; Uthicke, S.Report