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Results 1-20 of 61 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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GBRMPA-submission-harvest-strategy-documents.pdf.jpg2021Submission regarding the draft harvest strategy documentsGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityOther
JAPANESE-EXPERIENCE-NRTH-QLD-MOTHER-OF-PEARL-1988.pdf.jpg1988The Japanese experience of North Queensland's mother of pearl industryGanter, R.J.; Griffith UniversityReport
1992_Sea_Research_Cairns_Section_effects_of_fishing.pdf.jpg1992Effects of fishing pilot study: visual surveys on Cairns section closed reefs that will be opened under the new zoning planAyling, A.M.; Ayling, A.L.; Sea ResearchReport
GBRMPA-submission-on-the-green-paper-on-fisheries-management-reform-in-Queensland-July-2016.pdf.jpg2016Submission on the Green Paper on Fisheries Management Reform in Queensland July 2016Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityOther
JOHANNES_SQUIRE_1990_SPAWNING_CORAL_TROUT_MAORI_WRASSE_GBR.pdf.jpg1988Report to the Spawning aggregations of coral trout and maori wrasse on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: report to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityJohannes, R.E.; Squire, L.; CSIRO Marine Laboratories; Queensland Department of Primary IndustriesReport
2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2013, Commercial Fishing in the Great Barrier ReefTobin, R.; Bohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Marshall, N.; Nicotra, B.; Pert, P.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.Staff Paper - Book Section or Chapter
Climate Change Adaptation.pdf.jpg2012Climate Change Adaptation: Outcomes from the Great Barrier Reef Climate Change Action Plan 2007–2012Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
Outlook-2019-FactSheet-Commercial-Fishing.pdf.jpg2019Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2019: Commercial fishing [fact sheet]Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
FRDC-Report-2013-018.pdf.jpg2016Using commercial and recreational fisher knowledge to reconstruct historical catch rates for Queensland snapper (Chrysophrys auratus), Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) and coral trout (Plectropomus spp.): long-term data for incorporation into future stock assessmentsThurstan, R.H.; Buckley, S.M.; Pandolfi, J.M.Report
CRAIK_FALLOWS_1980_SURVEY_BOAT_RAMPS_TULLY_PORT_DOUGLAS.pdf.jpg1980Survey at boat ramps from Tully to Port DouglasCraig, W.; Fallows, J.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
Spearfishing-in-Cairns-2019.pdf.jpg2019Going Spearfishing in the Cairns regionGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityMap
GBRMPA-Submission-Fisheries-Regulation-Amendments-July-2019.pdf.jpg2019Submission regarding proposed amendments to the Fisheries Regulations 2008Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityOther
POLLARD_1992_PROPOSAL_ASSESSMENT_MARINE_FISHERIES_ENHANCEMENT_RESERVES.pdf.jpg1992Proposal for creation and assessment of marine fisheries enhancement reserves: a report to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityPollard, D.A.; Fish Ecology and Conservation, NSW FisheriesReport
GBRMPA_position-statement_fishing-SUPERSEDED.pdf.jpg2020Position Statement: Fishing (SUPERSEDED)Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityPosition paper
gbrmpa-VA-GreyMackerel-11-7-12.pdf.jpg2011A vulnerability assessment for the Great Barrier Reef: Grey mackerelGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
NERP-TE-PROJ-10.1-SELTMP-2014-COMMECIAL-FISHING-Complete.pdf.jpg2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2014: Commercial fishing in the Great Barrier ReefTobin, R.; Bohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Marshall, N.; Nicotra, B.; Pert, P.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.Report
Spearfishing-offshore-Cooktown.pdf.jpg2022Going Spearfishing offshore CooktownGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityMap
GBRRegion-StrategicAssessment-DraftStrategicAssessmentReport.pdf.jpg2013Great Barrier Reef Region Strategic Assessment: Strategic assessment report. Draft for public commentGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
QSIAGBRMPA-climate-change-and-fisheries-partnership.pdf.jpg2009QSIA/GBRMPA climate change and fisheries partnershipQueensland Seafood Industry Association; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
ECOTF ERA_Data_Report.pdf.jpg2012Ecological risk assessment of the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: Data reportPears, R.J; Morison, A.K; Jebreen, E.J; Dunning, M.C; Pitcher, C.R; Courtney, A.J; Houlden, B; Jacobsen, I.PReport
Results 1-20 of 61 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).