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Results 1-20 of 182 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Climate-change-and-the-Great-Barrier-Reef-2007-title-page.pdf.jpg2007Title page of Climate Change and the Great Barrier Reef: A Vulnerability AssessmentGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBook section or chapter
Seabirds-shorebirds-GBRWHA-climate-workshop-report.pdf.jpg2008Seabirds and shorebirds in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area in a changing climate a workshop reportGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority; C&R ConsultingReport
Eye-on-the-Reef-Weekly-monitoring-training-manual-A-complete-guide-to-monitoring-your-site.pdf.jpg2011Eye on the Reef weekly monitoring training manual: a complete guide to monitoring your siteGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
REVOKED-Climate-Change-Adaptation-Strategy-and-Action-Plan-2012-2017.pdf.jpg2012Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan 2012-2017 (REVOKED)Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport; Strategy
Reef Health Incident Response System_FINAL_Oct2013.pdf.jpg2013Reef Health Incident Response System: 2nd edition (NOT CURRENT)Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
2010Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg's Smart State Premier's Fellowship 2009-2014Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
2009 Reef Beat activity book.pdf.jpg2009Reef Beat education series: climate change and the ReefGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
VUlnerability-Assessment-2007-Glossary-Terms-Symbols-Index.pdf.jpg2007Glossary of Climate Change and the Great Barrier Reef: A Vulnerability AssessmentGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBook section or chapter
Chapter-16-Vulnerability-of-marine-mammals-in-the-Great-Barrier-Reef-to-climate-change.pdf.jpg2007Chapter 16: Vulnerability of marine mammals in the Great Barrier Reef to climate changeLawler, I.R.; Parra, G.; Noad, M.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBook section or chapter
Keppel-Bay-case-study-Managing-for-resilience-on-the-Great-Barrier-Reef.pdf.jpg2011Keppel Bay case study: managing for resilience on the Great Barrier ReefGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
Chapter-17-Vulnerability-of-coral-reefs-of-the-Great-Barrier-Reef-to-climate-change.pdf.jpg2007Chapter 17: Vulnerability of coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef to climate changeFabricius, K.E.; Hoegh-Guldberg, O.; Johnson, J.E.; McCook, L.J.; Lough, J.M.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBook section or chapter
Raine-Island-adaptive-management-conserve-marine-turtles.pdf.jpg2012Raine Island adaptive management to conserve marine turtlesGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
Coral-bleaching.mp4.jpg2009What is coral bleaching?Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityMultimedia
ReefBeat-Threats-to-the-Reef-activity-book-v2.pdf.jpg2016Reef beat education series: threats to the ReefGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
2006-Coral-Bleaching-GBR.pdf.jpg2006Coral bleaching and the Great Barrier ReefGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
BridgeGuinotte_Meso_Reefs_Research.pdf.jpg2013Mesophotic coral reef ecosystems in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage AreaBridge, T.; Guinotte, J.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
Reef-summer-snapshot-2021-22.pdf.jpg2022Reef snapshot: summer 2021-22Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority; Australian Institute of Marine Science; CSIROBrochure
SummerSnapshot 2022-23 .pdf.jpg2023Reef Snapshot: Summer 2022-23Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority; Australian Institute of Marine Science; CSIROBrochure
Coral-bleaching-response-plan-2009-2010.pdf.jpg2009Coral Bleaching Response Plan 2009-2010Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
Tourism-operators-responding-to-climate-change-Reducing-outboard-emissions.pdf.jpg2010Tourism operators responding to climate change: reducing outboard emissionsGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
Results 1-20 of 182 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).