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Results 1-20 of 98 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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GBRMPA-submission-harvest-strategy-documents.pdf.jpg2021Submission regarding the draft harvest strategy documentsGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityOther
JAPANESE-EXPERIENCE-NRTH-QLD-MOTHER-OF-PEARL-1988.pdf.jpg1988The Japanese experience of North Queensland's mother of pearl industryGanter, R.J.; Griffith UniversityReport
Workshop-summary-management-and-science-of-fish-spawning-aggregations-in-the-Great-Barrier-Reef-Marine-Park-12-13-July-2007.pdf.jpg2008Workshop summary management and science of fish spawning aggregations in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, 12-13 July, 2007Russell, M.; Pears, R.J.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
frac-05-2002-03-21.pdf.jpg2002Fisheries reef advisory committee 5th meeting 2002Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
REVOKED-Climate-Change-Adaptation-Strategy-and-Action-Plan-2012-2017.pdf.jpg2012Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan 2012-2017 (REVOKED)Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport; Strategy
frac-09-2003-06-16.pdf.jpg2003Fisheries reef advisory committee 9th meeting 2003Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
State-of-the-Reef-Report-2003-Fisheries.pdf.jpg2003State of the Reef Report 2003: FisheriesBishop, M.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
frac-04-2001-06-28.pdf.jpg2001Fisheries reef advisory committee 4th meeting 2001Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
frac-01-2000-03-08.pdf.jpg2000Fisheries reef advisory committee 1st meeting 2000Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
frac-19-2007-11-28.pdf.jpg2007Fisheries reef advisory committee 19th meeting 2007Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
04 Independent-Management-Effectiveness-Report_2024-FINAL.pdf.jpg2024Independent Assessment of Management Effectiveness for the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2024Baker, Ingrid; Peterson, Ann; Tobin, Lydia; Toki, Beth; Visser, JeremyReport
2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2013, Commercial Fishing in the Great Barrier ReefTobin, R.; Bohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Marshall, N.; Nicotra, B.; Pert, P.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.Staff Paper - Book Section or Chapter
ERAC-1-2010-03-17.pdf.jpg2010Ecosystem reef advisory committee (ERAC) 1st Meeting 2010 summary documentGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
Coral-bleaching-response-plan-2009-2010.pdf.jpg2009Coral Bleaching Response Plan 2009-2010Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
02 Outlook-Report-2024-InBrief-FINAL.pdf.jpg2024Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2024: In BriefGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
2007 Reef Beat activity book.pdf.jpg2007Reef Beat education series: sustainabilityGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
Outlook-info-sheet-Fishing.pdf.jpg2009Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2009: Fishing information sheetGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
Fisheries-factors-affecting-Marine-Park-management.PDF.jpg1978Fisheries factors affecting Marine Park managementCraik, W.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
frac-08-2003-03-25.pdf.jpg2003Fisheries reef advisory committee 8th meeting 2003Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
frac-02-2000-06-08.pdf.jpg2000Fisheries reef advisory committee 2nd meeting 2000Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
Results 1-20 of 98 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).