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Title: Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore coral reef monitoring 2018–19
Authors: Thompson, A.
Costello, P.
Davidson, J.
Logan, M.
Coleman, G.
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Year of publication: 2021
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Series/Report no.: Marine Monitoring Program - Inshore Coral Reef Monitoring
Marine Monitoring Program
Abstract: [Extract] This report details the condition of 31 inshore coral reefs monitored under the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s Marine Monitoring Program and nine inshore coral reefs monitored by the Australian Institute of Marine Science’s Long-Term Monitoring Program. Results are presented in the context of the pressures faced by the ecosystem and their ramifications for the long-term health of inshore coral reefs.
Description: This project is supported by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority through funding from the Marine Monitoring Program, and the Australian Institute of Marine Science
ISSN: 2208-4118
Appears in Collections:Ecosystems

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