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Results 1-20 of 112 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).
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crac-25-2009-03-18.pdf.jpg2009Conservation, biodiversity and world heritage reef advisory committee 25th meeting 2009Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
crac-19-2006-08-30-1.pdf.jpg2006Conservation, biodiversity and world heritage reef advisory committee 19th meeting 2006Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
crac-13-2004-03-18.pdf.jpg2004Conservation, biodiversity and world heritage reef advisory committee 13th meeting 2004Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
crac-14-2004-08-12.pdf.jpg2004Conservation, biodiversity and world heritage reef advisory committee 14th meeting 2004Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
04 Independent-Management-Effectiveness-Report_2024-FINAL.pdf.jpg2024Independent Assessment of Management Effectiveness for the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2024Baker, Ingrid; Peterson, Ann; Tobin, Lydia; Toki, Beth; Visser, JeremyReport
The-Great-Barrier-Reef-science-use-and-management-a-national-conference-proceedings.pdf.jpg1997The Great Barrier Reef: science use and management, a national conference. Proceedings volumes 1 and 2Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
Assessment of GBRMPA Management Effectiveness - Final Report.pdf.jpg2013Assessment of Management Effectiveness for the Strategic Assessment of the Great Barrier Reef RegionHockings, M.; Leverington, A.; Gilligan, B.; UniQuest Pty LimitedReport
Annual-Report-Implementation-Plan-Reef-2050-Plan.pdf.jpg2016Reef 2050 Plan Annual Report and Implementation Strategy (and the Addendum)Department of the Environment and Energy (Commonwealth of Australia)Report
2004-Introduction-Using-GBRMP-Revised-Edition-2007.pdf.jpg2004An introduction to using our Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBook
GBR-catchment-water-quality-action-plan.pdf.jpg2001Great Barrier Reef catchment water quality action plan: a report to Ministerial Council on targets for pollutant loadsGreat Barrier Reef Ministerial Council; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
Tourism-operators-responding-to-climate-change-Reducing-outboard-emissions.pdf.jpg2010Tourism operators responding to climate change: reducing outboard emissionsGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityBrochure
02 Outlook-Report-2024-InBrief-FINAL.pdf.jpg2024Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2024: In BriefGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
Marine-Parks-and-Protected-Areas-a-bibliography.PDF.jpg1989Marine Parks and Protected Areas : a bibliographyGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
Dutton_1988_GBRMPA'S_responsibilities_as_scientiftic_support_coordinator_in_the_GBR_region_pg57-59.pdf.jpg1989Workshop on the role of scientific support co-ordinator (SSC) in oil spill response : proceedings of National Workshop, Mackay, Australia, November 22-25, 1988Dutton, I.M.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
Plane-Basin-assessment-2013.pdf.jpg2013Plane basin assessment: Mackay Whitsunday natural resource management regionGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
COTS-control-guidelines-update-2017.pdf.jpg2017Crown-of-thorns starfish control guidelines: second editionGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityGuidelines
A-reef-wide-framework-for-managing-traditional-use-of-marine-resources-in-the-Great-Barrier-Reef-Marine-Park.pdf.jpg2007A reef-wide framework for managing traditional use of marine resources in the Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkDobbs, K.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityStrategy
crac-20-2007-03-07.pdf.jpg2007Conservation, biodiversity and world heritage reef advisory committee 20th meeting 2007Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityWorking paper
Summary-report-of-the-social-and-economic-impacts-of-the-rezoning-of-the-Great-Barrier-Reef-Marine-Park.pdf.jpg2003Summary report of the social and economic impacts of the rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport
2021-04-RJFMP-Insight-Stories-Issue-1.pdf.jpg2021Insight Stories: Issue 1-E-magazine
Results 1-20 of 112 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).