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NESP-TWQ-1.9-FINAL-REPORT.pdf.jpg2016The establishment of a future NESP dredging research investment framework: NESP TWQ Hub Project 1.9Schaffelke, B.; Brinkman, R.; Dobbs, K.; Jones, R.; Kane, K.; Negri, A.; Rasheed, M.Report 
Lonborg_etal_2016_MMP_WQ_AIMS_JCU_report_ 2014-15_WEB.pdf.jpg2016Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore water quality monitoring 2014-2015Lønborg, C.; Devlin, M.; Waterhouse, J.; Brinkman, R.; Costello, P.; da Silva, E.; Davidson, J.; Gunn, K.; Logan, M.; Petus, C.; Schaffelke, B.; Skuza, M.; Tonin, H.; Tracey, D.; Wright, M.; Zagorskis, I.Report 
MMP-WQ-AIMS-JCU-report-2015-2016.pdf.jpg2017Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore water quality monitoring 2015-2016Waterhouse, J.; Lønborg, C.; Logan, M.; Petus, C.; Tracey, D.; Lewis, S.; Tonin, H.; Skuza, M.; da Silva, E.; Carreira, C.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Gunn, K.; Wright, M.; Zagorskis, I.; Brinkman, R.; Schaffelke, B.; Australian Institute of Marine Science; TropWATERReport 
Monitoring the marine physical and chemical environment within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program.pdf.jpg2019Monitoring the marine physical and chemical environment within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program: final Report of the Marine Physical and Chemical Environment Expert GroupBrinkman, R.; Baird, M.; Boswood, P.; Fearns, P.; Gruber, R.; Holmes, M.; Honchin, C.; Johnson, R.; Lewis, S.; Lonborg, C.; Mueller, J.; Robillot, C.; Schroeder, T.; Steinberg, C.; Treleaven, J.; Australian Institute of Marine ScienceReport 
DredgeSynthesisReport_Mar15Update.pdf.jpg2015Synthesis of current knowledge of the biophysical impacts of dredging and disposal on the Great Barrier Reef: report of an independent panel of expertsMcCook, L.; Schaffelke, B.; Apte, S.; Brinkman, R.; Brodie, J.; Erftemeijer, P.; Eyre, B.; Hoogerwerf, F.; Irvine, I.; Jones, R.; King, B.; Marsh, H.; Masini, R.; Morton, R.; Pitcher, R.; Rasheed, M.; Sheaves, M.; Symonds, A.; Warne, M.S.Report