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Title: Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore water quality monitoring 2015-2016
Authors: Waterhouse, J.
Lønborg, C.
Logan, M.
Petus, C.
Tracey, D.
Lewis, S.
Tonin, H.
Skuza, M.
da Silva, E.
Carreira, C.
Costello, P.
Davidson, J.
Gunn, K.
Wright, M.
Zagorskis, I.
Brinkman, R.
Schaffelke, B.
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Year of publication: 2017
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Series/Report no.: Marine Monitoring Program - Inshore Water Quality
Marine Monitoring Program
ISSN: 2208-4096
Appears in Collections:Effects

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