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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
MMP_AIMS_Inshore_WQ_Coral_Monitoring_2013-2014 v2.pdf.jpg2014Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report of AIMS activities 2013-2014. Inshore water quality and coral reef monitoringThompson, A.; Lønborg, C.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Logan, M.; Furnas, M.; Gunn, K.; Liddy, M.; Skuza, M.; Uthicke, S.; Wright, M.; Zagorskis, I.; Schaffelke, B.Report 
MMP_Inshore_Coral_Reef_Monitoring_Report_2010_11.pdf.jpg2011Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program: Final report of AIMS activities 2011 inshore coral reef monitoringThompson, A.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Logan, M.; Schaffelke, B.; Takahashi, M.; Uthicke, S.Report 
MMP_AIMS_Inshore_WQ_Coral_Mon_2013_final_6Aug14.pdf.jpg2013Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program: Inshore water quality and coral reef monitoring. Annual report of AIMS activities 2012-2013Thompson, A.; Schaffelke, B.; Logan, M.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Doyle, J.; Furnas, M.; Gunn, K.; Liddy, M.; Skuza, M.; Uthicke, S.; Wright, M.; Zagorskis, I.Report 
RRMMP AIMS Inshore Coral Monitoring Report 2011-12.pdf.jpg2013Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program: Report of AIMS Activities: inshore coral reef monitoring 2012. Report for Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityThompson, A.; Costello, P.; Davidson, J.; Schaffelke, B.; Uthicke, S.; Liddy, M.Report 
Doyle_and_Uthicke_2016_Refining_genetic_markers_to_detect_and_quantify_CoTS_FINAL_REPORT_GBRMPA_May2016.pdf.jpg2016Refining genetic markers to detect and quantify crown-of-thorns starfish on the Great Barrier Reef. Final report prepared for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityDoyle, J.; Uthicke, S.Report 
Pratchett_etal_2017_Thirty_years_of_research_on_COTS.pdf.jpg2017Thirty years of research on Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (1986–2016): Scientific advances and emerging opportunitiesPratchett, M.S.; Caballes, C.F.; Wilmes, J.C.; Matthews, S.; Mellin, C.; Sweatman, H.P.A.; Nadler, L.E.; Brodie, J.; Thompson, C.A.; Hoey, J.; Bos, A.R.; Byrne, M.; Messmer, V.; Fortunato, S.A.V.; Chen, C.C.M.; Buck, A.C.E.; Babcock, R.C.; Uthicke, S.Staff Paper - Article 
Water-quality-sediment-and-biological-parameters-at-four-nearshore-reef-flats-in-the-Herbert-River-Region-Central-Great-Barrier-Reef.pdf.jpg2003Water quality, sediment and biological parameters at four nearshore reef flats in the Herbert River Region, Central Great Barrier Reef 2003Schaffelke, B.; Uthicke, S.; Klumpp, D.W.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport