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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Marshall_etal_2016_Advances_in_monitoring_the_human_dimension.pdf.jpg2016Advances in monitoring the human dimension of natural resource systems: an example from the Great Barrier ReefMarshall, N.A.; Bohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Nicotra, B.; Pert, P.; Scherl, L.M.; Stone-Jovicich, S.; Tobin, R.C.Journal article 
Attributes_Report.pdf.jpg2014Applying social resilience concepts and indicators to support climate adaptation in Tropical North Queensland, Australia: Benchmark evidence baseDale, A.; Vella, K.; Potts, R.; Voyce, B.; Stevenson, B.; Cottrell, A.; King, D.; Babacan, H.; Boon, H.; Gooch, M.; Pert, P.Report 
RIMReP_Human_Dimensions_Expert_Theme_Group.pdf.jpg2019Assessment and monitoring of the human dimensions within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program: final report of the Human Dimensions Expert GroupGooch, M.; Dale, A.; Marshall, N.; Vella, K.Report 
NERP-TE-PROJECT-10.1-FINAL-REPORT-COMPLETE.pdf.jpg2014Final report: The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program for the Great Barrier Reef (SELTMP) 2014Marshall, N.A.; Bohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Nicotra, B.; Pert, P.L.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.; Tobin, R.C.Report 
Final Report for the Coral Reef Expert Group.pdf.jpg2020Monitoring coral reefs within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program: final report of the coral reef expert groupSchaffelke, B.; Anthony, K.; Babcock, R.; Bridge, T.; Carlos, E.; Diaz-Pulido, G.; Gonzalez-Rivero, M.; Gooch, M.; Hoey, A.; Horne, D.; Kane, K.; McKenzie, C.; Merida, F.; Molloy, F.; Moon, S.; Mumby, P.; Ortiz, J.C.; Pears, R.; Phinn, S.; Ridgway, T.; Roelfsema, C.; Singleton, G.; Thompson, A.; Australian Institute of Marine Science; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport 
Indigenous_heritage_expert_group_report.pdf.jpg2019Monitoring the Indigenous heritage within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program: final report of the Indigenous Heritage Expert GroupJarvis, D.; Hill, R.; Buissereth, R.; Moran, C.; Talbot, L.D.; Bullio, R.; Grant, C.; Dale, A.; Deshong, S.; Fraser, D.; Gooch, M.; Hale, L.; Mann, M.; Singleton, G.; Wren, L.Report 
2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2013, Commercial Fishing in the Great Barrier ReefTobin, R.; Bohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Marshall, N.; Nicotra, B.; Pert, P.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.Staff Paper - Book Section or Chapter 
NERP-TE-PROJ-10.1-SELTMP-2013-DRIVERS-CHANGE-Complete.pdf.jpg2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2013: Drivers of change in the Great Barrier ReefBohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Gillet, S.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Marshall, N.; Pert, P.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.; Tobin, R.Report 
Curnock_etal_2014_SELTMP_2014_PORTS_SHIPPING.pdf.jpg2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2014: Ports and shipping in the Great Barrier ReefCurnock, M.; Parker, J.; Marshall, N.; Tobin, R.; Stone-Jovicich, S.; Bohensky, E.; Pert, P.; Gooch, M.; Goldberg, J.Report 
NERP-TE-PROJ-10 1-SELTMP-2014-COASTAL-COMMUNITIES-Complete.pdf.jpg2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2014: Coastal communities in the Great Barrier ReefBohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Gillet, S.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Marshall, N.; Pert, P.; Tobin, R.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.Report 
NERP-TE-PROJ-10.1-SELTMP-2014-COMMECIAL-FISHING-Complete.pdf.jpg2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2014: Commercial fishing in the Great Barrier ReefTobin, R.; Bohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Marshall, N.; Nicotra, B.; Pert, P.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.Report 
NERP-TE-PROJ-10 1-SELTMP-2014-COMMUNITY-WELL-BEING-Complete.pdf.jpg2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2014: Community well-being in the Great Barrier ReefScherl, L.M.; Gillet, S.; Bohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Marshall, N.; Pert, P.; Stone-Jovicich, S.; Tobin, R.Report 
Bohensky_etal_2014_NERP-TE-PROJ-10 1-SELTMP-2014-DRIVERS-Complete.pdf.jpg2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2014: Drivers of Change in the Great Barrier Reef: report to the National Environmental Research ProgramBohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Gillet, S.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Lankester, A.; Marshall, N.; Newlands, M.; Pert, P.; Tobin, R.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.Report 
NERP-TE-PROJ-10.1-SELTMP-2014-RECREATION-Complete.pdf.jpg2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2014: Recreation in the Great Barrier ReefTobin, R.; Bohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Marshall, N.; Nicotra, B.; Pert, P.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.Report 
NERP-TE-PROJ-10.1-SELTMP-2014-TOURISM-Completec.pdf.jpg2014The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program (SELTMP) 2014: Tourism in the Great Barrier ReefCurnock, M.; Marshall, N.; Tobin, R.; Stone-Jovicich, S.; Bohensky, E.; Pert, P.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Heindler, F.; Parker, J.; Gillet, S.; Scherl, L.Report 
Marshall_2013_NERP-TE-PROJ-10.1-SELTMP-2013-KEY-FINDINGS-TECHNICAL-REPORT-COMPLETED.pdf.jpg2013The Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program for the Great Barrier Reef (SELTMP): Key Findings 2013: report to the National Environmental Research ProgramMarshall, N.A.; Bohensky, E.; Curnock, M.; Goldberg, J.; Gooch, M.; Pert, P.L.; Scherl, L.; Stone-Jovicich, S.; Tobin, R.C.; Reef and Rainforest Research CentreReport 
Strong-Peoples-Strong-Country.pdf.jpg2019Strong peoples - strong country: Indigenous heritage monitoring framework summary reportJarvis, D.; Hill, R.; Buissereth, R.; Moran, C.; Talbot, L.; Bullio, R.; Grant, C.; Dale, A.P.; Deshong, S.; Fraser, D.; Gooch, M.; Hale, L.; Mann, M.; Singleton, G.; Wren, L.Report