Browsing by Author Devlin, M.

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
JCU_MMP_Flood monitoring report_2013_2014_V7_Final 210616.pdf.jpg2017Annual report for flood plumes and extreme weather 2013-2014Devlin, M.; da Silva, E.; Petus, C.; Tracey, D.; Centre for Tropical Water & Aquatic Ecosystem ResearchReport 
Flood-plumes-GBR-spatial-temporal-patterns.pdf.jpg2001Flood plumes in the Great Barrier Reef : spatial and temporal patterns in composition and distributionDevlin, M.; Waterhouse, J.; Taylor, J.; Brodie, J.E.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityReport 
JCU_MMP_Flood monitoring report_2012_2013.pdf.jpg2015Marine Monitoring Program. Final report of JCU activities 2012/13: flood plumes and extreme weather monitoring for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityDevlin, M.; da Silva, E.T.; Petus, C.; Tracey, D.Report 
Gallen_etal_2016_MMP_PESTICIDE_ENTOX_REPORT_2014-15_WEB.pdf.jpg2016Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore pesticide monitoring 2014-2015Gallen, C.; Thompson, K.; Paxman, C.; Devlin, M.; Mueller, J.Report 
Lonborg_etal_2016_MMP_WQ_AIMS_JCU_report_ 2014-15_WEB.pdf.jpg2016Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore water quality monitoring 2014-2015Lønborg, C.; Devlin, M.; Waterhouse, J.; Brinkman, R.; Costello, P.; da Silva, E.; Davidson, J.; Gunn, K.; Logan, M.; Petus, C.; Schaffelke, B.; Skuza, M.; Tonin, H.; Tracey, D.; Wright, M.; Zagorskis, I.Report 
MMP_Pesticide_Monitoring_Report_2010_11.pdf.jpg2012Pesticide monitoring in inshore waters of the Great Barrier Reef using both time-integrated and event monitoring techniques (2010-2011)Kennedy, K.; Devlin, M.; Bentley, C.; Paxman, C.; Chue, K.L.; Mueller, J.Report 
RRMMP UQ Pesticide Monitoring Report 2011-12.pdf.jpg2012Pesticide monitoring in inshore waters of the Great Barrier Reef using both time-integrated and event monitoring techniques (2011-2012)Bentley, C.; Devlin, M.; Paxman, C.; Chue, K.L.; Mueller, J.Report 
FINAL ENTOX PESTICIDE REPORT_final.pdf.jpg2013Pesticide monitoring in inshore waters of the Great Barrier Reef using both time-integrated and event monitoring techniques (2012-2013)Gallen, C.; Devlin, M.; Paxman, C.; Banks, A.; Mueller, J.Report 
ENTOX_PESTICIDE_REPORT.pdf.jpg2014Pesticide monitoring in inshore waters of the Great Barrier Reef using both time-integrated and event monitoring techniques (2013-2014)Gallen, C.; Devlin, M.; Thompson, K.; Paxman, C.; Mueller, J.; University of QueenslandReport 
RRMMP_Synthesis_Report_2010-2011.pdf.jpg2014Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program synthesis report 2010-2011Martin, K.C.; McKenzie, L.J.; Thompson, A.; Muller, J.; Bentley, C.; Paxman, C.; Collier, C.; Waycott, M.; Brando, V.; Devlin, M.; Schaffelke, B.Report 
MMP_Flood_Plume_Monitoring_Report_2010_11.pdf.jpg2012Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program: Flood plume monitoring annual report 2010-11. Incorporating results from the Extreme Weather Response Program flood plume monitoringDevlin, M.; Wenger, A.; Waterhouse, J.; Álvarez-Romero, J.; Abbott, B.; Teixeira da Silva, E.Report 
CYP_MMP_report_2012-2014_final.pdf.jpg2017Water quality in Princess Charlotte Bay flood plumes and eastern Cape York Peninsula flood plume exposure: 2012-2014Howley, C.; Devlin, M.; Petus, C.; da Silva, E.; Howley Environmental ConsultingReport