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Managing access to the Restricted Access Special Management Areas surrounding Raine Island, Moulter Cay and Maclennan Cay (Document No. 100469)

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Title: Managing access to the Restricted Access Special Management Areas surrounding Raine Island, Moulter Cay and Maclennan Cay (Document No. 100469)
Authors: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
ASFA Subjects: Scientific research
APAIS Subject: Environmental management
Location: Reef-wide
Category: Policies and position statements
Information Publication Scheme
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Series/Report no.: Policy under s7(4) of the GBRMP Act 1975
Abstract: Raine Island, Moulter Cay and Maclennan Cay collectively make up the Raine Island National Park (Scientific). The Queensland Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) manages this area. The management intent of the Raine Island National Park (Scientific) is to allow for the following activities: a.) research that cannot reasonably be conducted elsewhere and which has a direct benefit to the Raine Island National Park (Scientific); or b.) commercial photography/filming which is in keeping with the management principles of the Raine Island National Park (Scientific) and where the advantages to the National Park (Scientific) and the public outweigh any potential disturbance.
Type of document: Guidelines
Appears in Collections:Corporate

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