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Title: Hinchinbrook plan of management 2004
Authors: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Keywords: Conservation of natural resources;Environmental management;Marine ecology;Marine parks and reserves
Year of publication: 2004
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Series/Report no.: Plan of Management
Abstract: The Hinchinbrook Plan of Management has been developed in partnership with local communities through the Hinchinbrook Local Marine Advisory Committee. This committee is comprised of representatives from Local Government Authorities, commercial and recreational Fishing organisations, tourism operators, cane grower organisations, Chamber of Commerce, traditional owners, other community groups and resource managers. The recommendations and management strategies outlined in this plan will have significant future economic and social benefits for communities that are adjacent to the planning area. It was also recognised that local communities have a great wealth of knowledge about natural processes, social activities and patterns of use in the planning area.
ISBN: 9781876945350
Appears in Collections:Management

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