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Title: Priority monitoring gaps prospectus: Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program
Authors: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Year of publication: 2021
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Series/Report no.: Reef 2050
Abstract: [Extract] This prospectus provides an overview of the priority monitoring gaps that have been identified for investment over the next three years. The gaps have been prioritised based on their utility to assess progress against the Reef 2050 Plan and to inform management of the Reef. Many of the identified gaps present opportunities for co-investment from governments, industry and philanthropic organisations. Finally we acknowledge that the content included in this prospectus does not negate the discretion of decision makers with regards to funding and approvals. It is expected that improvements in technology and understanding of the Reef will also present other opportunities for investment over time.
ISBN: 9780645043723
ISSN: 9780645043723
Appears in Collections:Management

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