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Net benefit policy

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Title: Net benefit policy
Authors: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
ASFA Subjects: Economic benefits
APAIS Subject: Values
Location: Reef-wide
Category: Cultural heritage
National heritage
Natural heritage
World heritage
Economic values
Social values
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Series/Report no.: Reef 2050
Policy under s7(4) of the GBRMP Act 1975
Abstract: Net benefit is an overall improvement in the condition and/or trend of a Great Barrier Reef value, or those actions which result in the net improvement. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on designing or implementing programs, plans and actions to improve the condition and trend of values and achieve an overall net benefit to the Great Barrier Reef.
ISBN: 978-0-6480964-7-4
Type of document: Policy
Appears in Collections:Values

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