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Reef 2050 Plan Investment Framework

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Title: Reef 2050 Plan Investment Framework
Authors: Department of the Environment and Energy (Commonwealth of Australia)
ASFA Subjects: Environment management
APAIS Subject: reports
Location: Reef-wide
Category: Leading environmental practice
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Department of the Environment and Energy (Commonwealth of Australia)
Series/Report no.: Reef 2050
Abstract: The Reef 2050 Plan states that implementation will be underpinned by a robust investment framework that: 1. establishes current investments in Reef protection. 2. determines investment priorities for the future. 3. sets out a strategy for boosting investment and diversifying its sources. This Investment Framework delivers on that commitment. The Framework shows that across governments, industry and the community, more than $1.2 billion has already been committed for the next five years focused solely on delivering actions in the Reef 2050 Plan. For the Australian and Queensland governments, the Framework will be used to channel new investment toward identified priorities, and to inform the use of regulatory and policy levers that, along with investment, are critical tools to support the achievement of these priorities. For the private sector, the framework identifies partnership opportunities and strategies for their involvement.
Type of document: Report
Appears in Collections:Management

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