Browsing "Ecosystems" by Issue Date

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
GBRMPA-Reef-monitoring-trust-field-trip-1989.pdf.jpg1990Reef monitoring trust field tripBaldwin, C.; Fisk, D.; Furnas, M.; Kinsey, D.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 
FERREIRA_1991_AGE_GROWTH_CORAL_TROUT.pdf.jpg1991Preliminary results of the project: Age and growth of the coral trout Plectropomus leopardus (the juvenile phase)Ferreira, B.P.; James Cook University 
Marine-Bio-Logic-1991-Survey-of-marine-scientists.pdf.jpg1991Survey of marine scientists and other experts for anecdotal observations of crown of thorns predationMarine Bio Logic 
Fringing-reefs-Magnetic-Island-benthic-biota-and-sedimentation-baseline-study.pdf.jpg1992The fringing reefs of Magnetic Island : benthic biota and sedimentation - a baseline study: a report to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityMapstone, B.D.; Choat, J.H.; Cumming, R.L.; Oxley, W.G. 
DAVIES_1992_INTER_REEF_MOVEMENTS_LARGE_REEF_FISHES.pdf.jpg1992Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Effects of Fishing Programme: Inter-reef movements of large reef fishes: Initial tagging experiment final report to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityDavies, C.R.; Department of Marine BIology, James Cook University 
Biological-basis-managing-dugongs-GBRMP.pdf.jpg1992Biological basis for managing dugongs and other large vertebrates in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park 1989Marsh, H. 
CONNELL_1992_RELATIONSHIPS_PISCIVORE_ABUNDANCE_PREY.pdf.jpg1992Relationships between piscivore abundance and prey mortalityConnell, S.D.; University of Sydney 
LEIS_1993_BEACH_ZONE_LIZARD_ISLAND_NURSERY_ZONES.pdf.jpg1993The beach zone of islands and cays in the Lizard Island area of the Great Barrier Reef: do they serve as nursery zones for fish larvae?Leis, J.M.; Division of Vertebrate Zoology, The Australian Museum 
1993-Status-Dugongs-Sea-Turtles-Dolphins-Northern-GBR-Region.pdf.jpg1993The status of dugongs, sea turtles and dolphins in the northern Great Barrier Reef regionMarsh, H.; Kwan, D.; Lawler, I.; Environmental Studies Unit, James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville 
T.R. AULT-1994-ROTENONE-HERON ISLAND.pdf.jpg1994Final Report: Use of rotenone at Heron IslandAult, T.R. 
1995Controlling crown-of-thorns starfishLassig, B.R.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 
Sweatman, H_1995.pdf.jpg1995Feeding studies on potential fish predators of post-settlement Acanthaster planci: final report prepared for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthoritySweatman, H.; James Cook University 
Accelerated-regeneration-hard-corals-manual-for-reef-users-and-managers.pdf.jpg1995Accelerated regeneration of hard corals: a manual for coral reef users and managersFisk, D.A.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 
1995Planning for crown-of-thorns starfish population increasesGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority; CRC Reef Research Centre 
HULSMAN_1996_STRUCTURE_DATABASE_SEABIRDS.pdf.jpg1996Structure of database for seabirds of Queensland and coral sea waters: a report to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AuthorityFaculty of Environmental Sciences, Griffith University; Geographic Information Section, Department of the Environment 
1996-Crown-Of-Thorns-GBR-The-Facts.pdf.jpg1996Crown-of-thorns starfish on the Great Barrier Reef: the factsGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 
Guidelines-for-managing-visitation-to-seabird-breeding-islands.pdf.jpg1997Guidelines for managing visitation to seabird breeding islands 1997Claridge, G.; WBM Oceanics Australia; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 
REPORT-TO-GOVERNMENTS-DUGONG-CONSERVATION-GBR-1997.pdf.jpg1997Report to government on actions necessary for dugong conservation in the Great Barrier Reef and Hervey Bay/ Great Sandy StraitGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 
1997-Crown-Of-Thorns-GBR-The-Facts.pdf.jpg1997Crown-of-thorns starfish on the Great Barrier Reef: the factsGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 
Sea-surface-temperatures-on-the-Great-Barrier-Reef-a-contribution-to-the-study-of-coral-bleaching.pdf.jpg1998Sea surface temperatures on the Great Barrier Reef : a contribution to the study of coral bleachingLough, J.M.; Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority