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Ecosystem reef advisory committee (ERAC) 2nd Meeting 2010 summary document

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Title: Ecosystem reef advisory committee (ERAC) 2nd Meeting 2010 summary document
Authors: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
ASFA Subjects: Ecosystem management
Sustainable fishing
APAIS Subject: Environmental management
Location: Reef-wide
Category: Information Publication Scheme
World heritage
Commercial fisheries
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Abstract: 2009. The Committee's first meeting was held in Townsville on 17 and 18 March 2010. The GBRMPA's 2008 restructure saw the merging of the Conservation, Biodiversity and Indigenous Partnerships Group and the Fisheries Issues Group, to form the Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Use (ECSU) Section. As a result, the Conservation, Heritage and Indigenous Partnerships RAC merged with the Fisheries RAC to form the ERAC, which will reflect the ecosystem-based management focus of the ECSU Section. Several members of the Conservation RAC and the Fisheries RAC have been appointed as members of the ERAC, along with several new members with appropriate expertise and/or stakeholder or government body representation. Other changes affecting the RAC structure included: The establishment of the Indigenous RAC, to provide strategic-level advice to the GBRMPA on the management of matters that relate to Indigenous Partnerships. Renaming of the Water Quality and Coastal Development Group to the Coastal Ecosystem and Water Quality Section, and the subsequent renaming of the Water Quality and Coastal Development RAC to the Catchment and Coastal RAC. The Catchment and Coastal RAC, the Ecosystem RAC, and the Tourism and Recreation RAC all include Indigenous representation.Members were updated on activities undertaken by the Sustainable Fishing staff. The GBRMPA acknowledged the work being done by stakeholder groups in their particular fisheries.
Type of document: Working paper
Appears in Collections:Corporate

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