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Technical information sheet 2: Zoning in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

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Title: Technical information sheet 2: Zoning in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Authors: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
ASFA Subjects: Coastal zone management
APAIS Subject: Environmental management
Location: Reef-wide
Category: Information Publication Scheme
Zones, plans and maps
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Series/Report no.: Technical Information Sheet
Abstract: The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is a multiple-use park, where reasonable levels of most uses are allowed. Some parts of the Marine Park are set aside as zones that are free from fishing and collecting (like most national parks on land), while other zones allow specific uses in specific areas whilst separating conflicting uses.
Type of document: Brochure
Appears in Collections:Management

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