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ICT Enabled Investment Capability Improvement Plan 2011-2013

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Title: ICT Enabled Investment Capability Improvement Plan 2011-2013
Authors: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Location: Reef-wide
Category: Information Publication Scheme
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Abstract: This Capability Improvement Plan has been developed in response to the self assessment of organisational capability. It defines immediate and longer term priorities to enhance the GBRMPA’s management performance in ICT-enabled investment, including the management of risk and realisation of benefits from this investment. By addressing these priorities through a set of integrated projects and initiatives the GBRMPA is expected to achieve sustainable improvements in organisational performance in portfolio, programme and project management in the life-cycle management of ICT enabled investment and tangible benefits on a wider front across all of the GBRMPA’s change initiatives.
Type of document: Working paper
Appears in Collections:Corporate

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