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Management agreement between Department of Defence and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority on the implementation of the strategic environmental assessment of defence activities

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Title: Management agreement between Department of Defence and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority on the implementation of the strategic environmental assessment of defence activities
Authors: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
ASFA Subjects: Marine parks
APAIS Subject: Defence
Environmental management
Environmental impact
Location: Reef-wide
Category: Partnerships and agreements
Information Publication Scheme
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Abstract: The Department of Defence (Defence) and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) are strongly committed to continuing to work closely together in a constructive and complementary way to ensure the protection, understanding and sustainable use of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP). Defence and GBRMPA recognise that each has responsibilities and obligations to the community for their respective functions. Both organisations also recognise that their actions can have impacts on the operations and activities of the other and for that reason close cooperation is important. To help the Commonwealth meet its requirement to protect and manage the GBRMP, Defence will ensure that its activities will be conducted in a way that minimises the effect of the activities on the GBRMP and its users. Defence activities will be consistent with the undertakings made in the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of Defence Activities in the GBRWHA (18 January 2006, and with the GBRMP legislation, Zoning Plans, Management Plans, directions given by the GBRMPA, any other relevant policies and this Management Agreement. To help Defence meet its requirements to train its people and provide for national security, GBRMPA will proactively take into account Defence use of the Marine Park and adjacent areas when making decisions about GBRMP management matters. As a general principal, where management controls need to be applied they will be implemented in a way that protects the environment and balances competing pressures aiming to minimise the effect on Defence use to the greatest practicable extent. To implement this commitment Defence and GBRMPA have decided to enter into this Management Agreement to document the commitments made in the SEA to cooperate and communicate as part of the process that will cement the strong links, shared visions, understanding and close working relationships that have developed between the two organisations.
Type of document: Agreement
Appears in Collections:Management

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